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Submission of Full Paper
For the research track, submissions should describe original, research work not submitted or published elsewhere. For industrial track, submissions should describe innovative products or good practices in the areas of conference interests. For European projects track, submissions should describe Networks of Excellences, clusters of projects, and projects themselves, in particular, their aims, goals and achievements. The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer within the IFIP book series. The papers should be no longer than 15 pages according to the template available at: Templates - Single Column Proceedings Volume. An author who need help with the templates should contact AuthorSupport@springer-sbm.com. The author responsible for correspondence, including the author’s name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address has to be identified. One of the authors of each paper must register and present the paper at the conference.

Addresses for submission (submission is closed!)
NOTICE: Before the submission, make sure that your paper is formatted according to the above requirements and template.

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Important deadlines
Papers due: May 15, 2005
Acceptance: June 30, 2005
Final papers due: July 8, 2005