May 27 - June 20, 2012

Prof. Wojciech Cellary has been a guest of International Institute for Software Technology of the United Nations University, Macao (China). During his stay he gave two invited lectures for researchers and PhD students: “Software Research Towards Future eGovernment” and “How to Write a Methodologically Proper PhD Thesis”. He gave also an invited lecture entitled „Privacy in Light of Future Information Technologies” to the representatives of Macao Government as part of the e-Macao Seminar series, open to all UNU-IIST fellows and staff. Other aims of the visit were: offering a research seminar in UNU-IIST. listening to the research presentations by the members of the EGOV team and providing comments, carrying out a review of the Executive Master Program in Government Information Leadership, joinly developing a framework paper for the HICSS mini-track on EGOV Education, Training and Professionalization, and discussing collaboration.