MIMS - Metadata Schema of Interactions for Multimedia Objects

Supervisor research project granted by Polish Ministry of Science "Metadata Schema of Interactions for Multimedia Objects".

The MIMS approach is a new solution for describing interactive 3D object behavior. In this approach object behavior is described by models of potential object interactions with other objects. The proposed approach is based on two main elements: a model of interactive object interactions and a concept of interaction interface. Based on these two elements a special query sub-language was implemented. The sub-language enables efficient usage of interaction metadata.

Model of 3D object interactions, called Multimedia Interaction Model – MIM, allows decomposition of an interaction of any object into components. These components are described by distinct metadata structures tailored for a particular component. Structure of interaction metadata allows using textual semantic descriptions and formal mathematical descriptions. Semantic descriptions can be used on different levels of metadata structure, providing both general and specific descriptions. General descriptions concern the interaction as a whole, while specific descriptions concern particular details of an interaction. Moreover, semantic descriptions can be linked with an ontology specific for a given domain. This possibility increases the information value of interaction metadata and quality of search results. Mathematical descriptions are used for metadata that allow calculating new state of an object after the interaction. The new state can be used as a starting point for next interactions. Therefore, mathematical descriptions enable search engines to run searches for interactive objects based not only on current object state, but also on object states resulting from an interaction.
The MIM model and interaction metadata based on this model are the basis for a new approach to metadata design. In the proposed approach interactive objects are treated like elements of a computer program, instead of static items. Foundation of such approach is a concept called Interaction Interface – II. According to this concept the structure of an interaction interface is defined, as well as specifies rules for defining new interaction interfaces. Interaction interfaces, as a part of interaction metadata, provide detailed semantics of parameters related with an interaction. Extended semantic information contained in the interaction metadata facilitates searches for objects with specific interaction properties.