Wojciech Cellary :: Panel Discussions
Prof. Wojciech Cellary email: wojciech.cellary[at]gmail.com
Professor emeritus
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8578-4307
Panel discussions
Total 132
- Conference: „Data protection in light of the Artificial Intelligence Act and other acts implementing the European Data Strategy”, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw and Office for Personal Data Protection, Warsaw (Poland), June 27, 2024; Panel: „Personal data in artificial intelligence models”
- World Copernican Congress, Jagellonian University in Krakow, Krakow (Poland), May 24-26, 2023; Panel: „The digital revolution and its implications for the financial and real economic spheres”
- European Economic Congress 2023, PTWP SA, Katowice (Poland), April 24-26, 2023; Panel: „Technologies of the future: review and zoom in”
- Developing Competencies for Economy 4.0, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poznan, September 22, 2022; Panel discussion
- REV4.0 – The Socio‒Economic Consequences of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; Cracow, September 19‒23, 2022; Panel: „Labor market challenges in the era of digital transformation”
- Conference: Enterprise Sustainability in the Digital Economy Era, Warsaw (Poland), November 18, 2021; Panel: “Enterprise (un)sustainability faced with digitalization – where are we headed?”
- 6th Open Eyes Economy Summit, Cracow (Poland), November 16–17, 2021; Panel: “Post–battle landscape”
- Conference “CommonSign – Electronic Signature Interoperability Summit”, Warsaw (Poland), November 4, 2021; Panel: “A decade of e-government and e-business in Poland: achievements and challenges”
- The Strategic Thought Forum of the Polish Economic Society, Warsaw (Poland), September 30, 2021; Panel: “Functioning of state institutions in the digital revolution”
- Conference: EURO-TRANS 2021, September 20–21, 2021, Warsaw, Poland; Panel: „Social and Environmental Impact of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies in International Logistics Networks”
- Conference: Pozitive Technologies 2020, Poznań City Hall, Poznan (Poland), November 19, 2020; Panel: “Development directions of the Poznan IT market”
- 5th Open Eyes Economy Summit, Cracow (Poland), November 17–18, 2020; Panel: “Do we have the full instrumentation of commonality?”
- 29th EAN Annual Conference of the European Access Network (EAN) “Challenges and opportunities by the pandemic”, Poznan (Poland), October 27–29, 2020; Moderator of the panel: “Distant teaching and learning – from elementary school through HEI to retirement”
- 15th Congress on e-Economy, The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), Warsaw (Poland), October 21, 2020; Moderator of the panel: “Polish roads to Industry 4.0”
- 17th Conference IT in Education IwE2020 Torun (Poland), September 22–25, 2020, Moderator of the panel: “Compulsory high school final exam in computer science as a way to Polish digital society”
- Congress of Local Government Administration Management, Warsaw (Poland), June 23–25, 2020; Panel: „Public cloud for local governments”
- 19th Academic Debate “The Apollo mission half a century later. How did it change the world?”Poznan University of Economics and Business and University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan (Poland), March 19, 2020
- Debate: “Data and artificial intelligence management vs. the competency-oriented enterprises”, 4th Open Eyes Economy Summit, Cracow (Poland), November 19–20, 2019
- Debate: “Technology Transforming the Business – Opportunities for Poland in a Digital World, Franklin Templeton Investments Poland, Poznan (Poland), August, 28, 2019
- International Conference on Cyber Security ICCS 2019, July 22–25, 2019, New York (USA); Panel: “Blockchain and Security”
- Debate: “A new generation”, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poznan (Poland), May 16, 2019
- 1st Economic Congress of Wielkopolska Region, Marshal's Office of the Wielkopolska Region, Poznan (Poland), September 17, 2018; Moderator of the panel: “Challenges of Economic Development of Wielkopolska Region”
- Bank Strategy Forum, The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), Warsaw (Poland), June 12, 2018; Moderator of the panel: “Banks strategies and business models in the multi-generational customer environment of society 4.0”
- 10th Academic Debate “Lies and truth versus contemporary media”Poznan University of Economics and Business, and University of Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan (Poland), June 11, 2018
- 13th Congress on e-Economy, The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), Warsaw (Poland), June 7, 2018; Panel: The fourth industrial revolution at the service of the electronic economy
- Polish Logistics Congress LOGISTICS 2018, May 23–25, Poznan (Poland); Panel: „How can cyber threats slow down the digitization of supply chains?”
- International Conference on Cyber-Security ICCS 2018, New York (USA), January 8–11, 2018; Panel “Cyber-Security: An International Problem in Need of International Solutions”
- Conference „Dialogue – Responsible Research and Innovation – Science for society and Economy”, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan (Poland), November 28–29, 2017; Panel: “New technologies and responsible research”
- Conference: Freedom Games 2017 organized by Liberté Foundation!, Lodz (Poland), October 20, 2017; Panel: „Perspectives on the Development of the Digital Single Market”
- Conference “Showing – Passing”, Copernicus Science Centre, Warsaw (Poland), August, 25–26, 2017; Panel „Education Networks”
- 12th Congress on e-Economy, The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), Warsaw (Poland), June 8, 2017; Moderator of the panel: “e-Economy of the future”
- 3rd Conference „e-Administration for Business”, Warsaw (Poland), May 24, 2017; Moderator of the panel: „Cloud, Big Data and privacy in the era of e-invoicing”
- International Conference IBM Watson Warsaw Summit 2017, Warsaw (Poland), May 15, 2017; Panel: “Digital transformation”
- The 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering WISE 2016, Shanghai (China), November 7–10, 2016; Panel „Web and Big Data for Innovation and Sustainable Development: the Good, the Bad, and the Future”
- XI Congress on e-Economy, The Polish Bank Association (ZBP), Warsaw (Poland), June 28, 2016; Moderator of the panel: „Business and administration in the electronic economy”
- VIII European Economic Congress, Katowice (Poland), May 19–20, 2016; Panel: “Digital economy in European Union”
- Polish Logistics Congress LOGISTICS & EUROLOG 2016, Poznan (Poland), May 18–20, 2016; Panel: “New concepts and trends in supply chain management”
- The 9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance ICEGOV 2016 “Transparent and Accountable Governance for 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda”, Montevideo (Uruguay), March 1–3, 2016; Panel „Big Data era: better living and less freedom?”
- 5th International Conference „Enigma – A trailer of digital civilization”, Stiftung für Deutsch–Polnische Zusammenarbeit, under the aegis of Ombudsman, Warsaw (Poland), November 10, 2015; Panel: „Cryptology facing challenges in the area of privacy protection”.
- Conference „Innovations – exchanging knowledge”, Inauguration of the Global Compact Program „Innovations – Business and Research 2015–2020”, Wrocław (Poland), September 3, 2015; Panel: „Innovations – exchanging knowledge”
- International Conference on Mobile & Internet Banking Security IBS 2015, Gizycko (Poland), August 26–28, 2015, Moderator of the panel: „The biggest challenges facing the security of mobile and internet banking”
- Conference TRANSATLANTYK – Legal Culture, Poznan (Poland), August 7–14, 2015; Panel: „Culture in the Internet – do it legally. Opportunities and threats in the digital world”
- Outgoing meeting of the Polish Bank Association, Educational Center of e-Services, Poznan (Poland), May 29, 2015, Moderator of the panel: „Possible forms of cooperation between the Poznan University of Economics and the banking sector”
- Forum: „University and the Challenges of the 21st Century”, celebration of the 70th anniversary of the University of Lodz, Lodz (Poland), May 22, 2015; Panel „Innovation and Information Technology. How will free access to knowledge change a university?”
- VII European Economic Congress, Katowice (Poland), April 20–22, 2015; Moderator of the panel: „European Digital Agenda”
- Conference „e-Administration for Business 2015 – e-Services for Business”, Warsaw (Poland), April 14-15, 2015; Moderator of the panel: „Business-friendly e-services – confrontation of visions of e-services development between business and public institutions”
- VII Days of the Poznan University of Economics: „Programming the future – our future”, opening of the Educational Center of e-Services, Poznan (Poland), February 25, 2015; Moderator of the panel: „Economic perspectives of e-services in Poland”
- Inaugural conference of the project “UEP Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Scientific Research – InnoUEP”, Poznan (Poland), December 17, 2014; Moderator of the panel: “Concept of a network of scientific laboratories at the Poznan University of Economics”
- United Nations Day, Warsaw (Poland), October 24, 2014; Panel; “Global Compact Yearbook 2014”
- XV Congress of Market and Opinions Researchers, Warsaw (Poland), October 16–17, 2014; Panel: „Technological change vs. social and economic change”
- The 30th National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Communications, Poznan (Poland), September 3–5, 2014; Panel: “Prospects for conducting national and international ICT research”
- The 18th Conference „Cities on the Internet – Metamorphosis of Public Space – Administration, Education, Health”, Gdansk (Poland); June 11, 2014; Panel: „Key projects and digital initiatives for Poland development – vision and reality”
- Congress of Academic Culture „The Idea of University: Reactivation”, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, March 20–22, 2014; Panel: „University vs. new media and technologies”
- Conference „Computer Science for All - Algorithmic Thinking, Problem Solving and Programming for All”, Warsaw University Library, Warsaw (Poland), May 16, 2014; remote participation in concluding panel discussion
- VI Forum of Cooperative Banking Technologies, Warsaw (Poland), May 16, 2014; Panel: “Cloud security and protection”
- The 6th European Economic Congress, Katowice (Poland), May 7–9, 2014; Panel: „Digitization of the Economy and Administration”
- The 7th European Ministerial eGovernment Conference „Where We are, Where We are Going”, Vilnius (Lithuania), November 14–15, 2013; Panel: „How to Advance Cross–Border Services?”
- National Conference „e-Administration for Business”, Poznan (Poland), November 6–8, 2013; Panel: „Does business in Poland need e-administration?”
- The 7th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance „Beyond 2015 – Smart Governance, Smart Development” ICEGOV 2013, Seul (South Korea), October 22–25, 2013; Moderator of the panel: „Is a common set of e-Government principles applicable to all countries and contexts possible?”
- The 29th National Symposium on Telecommunications and Computer Communications “Time for Smart Cities”, Gdansk (Poland), September 4 – 6, 2013; panel “How to create smart cities in Poland?”
- XVII Conference „Cities in the Internet”, Gdansk (Poland), June 19–21, 2013: Panel #1: „Stop 2013: In Search of the Digital Optimum”; Panel #2: “Digital fetish or catalyst. How to change Poland? – Guides for decision makers in the 2020 perspective”; and Panel #3: „How to include Polish schools to the digital world? In search of an optimal model”
- VIII Congress of Electronic Economy, Warsaw (Poland), June 18, 2013; Panel: “What the Ministry of Administration and Digitization and the Ministry of Economy did for electronic economy?”
- V European Economic Congress, Katowice, May 13–15, 2013; Panel „Telecommunications and the Global Information Society”
- The 6th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance ICEGOV 2012 – “Open Innovation for Global Change”, Albany (USA), October 22–25, 2012; Panel: „City Center: Smart Innovation for Sustainable Urban Growth and Development”
- VII Congress of Electronic Economy, Warsaw (Poland), October 6, 2012; Panel: “State 2.0 – A new start for e-government”
- XVIII Forum of Teleinformatics, Miedzeszyn/Warsaw (Poland), September 27–28, 2012; Panel: „Integrated digitalization and open government”
- Warsaw Book Fair, Warsaw (Poland), May 29, 2012; Panel hosted by Polish Association of Newspaper Publishers: “Copyright in the internet – pros and cons”
- Seminar „Poznań in Progress – support of research, business and investment as a foundation of better future of the capital city of Wielkopolska”, Poznań, April 26, 2012; Panel: „In the Golden Triangle: Universities – Authorities – Business. Current relations and what good can still come of them”
- International Conference on Cyber-Security – a Global Solution to Emerging Cyber-Threats, ICCS 2012, New York (USA), January 9–12, 2012; Panel „Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing”
- The 6th European Ministerial e-Government Conference and Exhibition eGOV2011PL – “Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans”, Poznan, November 17–18, 2011, Moderator of the panel: “Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans”
- Cultural Heritage Forum, Warsaw (Poland), October 19, 2011; Moderator of the panel „Cultural Heritage Digitalization and Knowledge-based Electronic Economy”
- The 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance ICEGOV 2011, Tallin (Estonia), September 26–29, 2011; Panel: “Future Electronic Governance”
- The 4th Electronic Economy Congress, Polish Banks Association, Warsaw (Poland), May 31, 2011; Moderator of the panel: “Digital exclusion of citizens – clients”
- European Strategy Center demosEUROPA and Belgium Embassy, Debate”„Government must be innovative”, Warsaw (Poland), May 9, 2011
- Conference “Digital Wielkopolska – a chance for success”, Poznan (Poland), February 24, 2011; Panel: “Challenges and opportunities of Wielkopolska Region digitalization”
- National Broadband Forum, Warsaw (Poland), November 23–24, 2010; Panel: “Polish broadband infrastructure”
- Conference “Opole Region 2010: Challenges and Opportunities of e-Development”, Opole (Poland), February 17, 2010; Panel: „e-Priorities of the Opole Region for 2010-2015”
- Conference Multimedia Museums MMM 2009, Szreniawa/Poznan, April 24, 2009; Panel: “Virtual expositions as a future of museums”
- V Days of Academic Entrepreneurship, Poznan (Poland), 21–23 April, 2009; Panel „New entrepreneurship initiatives in Poznan”
- Conference „Knowledge-Based Society – a Chance for Poland”, Warsaw (Poland), January 9th, 2009; Panel: „A role of public administration”
- Seminar organized by the Polish Ministry of Interior and Administration and Information Society Directorate General of the European Comission, “Information Society – 4 years after Poland’s accession to European Union – strategy for Poland”, Warsaw (Poland), July 24, 2008; Panel: “Strategy for Poland”
- Seminar organized by BZWBK Bank, Poznan, July 2, 2008; Panel: “Direct banking”
- Conference „Microsoft Innovation Forum 2008 – The role of innovation in Poland's social and economic life”, Warsaw (Poland), March 10, 2008; Panel „How to stimulate innovation in Poland?”
- International Expert Workshop „The economic and societal impact of ICT”, Brussels (Belgium), February 2008
- VIII Congress of Polish Economists „Poland in the world economy – opportunities and threats for development”, Warsaw (Poland), November 29-30, 2007; Panel: „Economic sciences in the face of contemporary challenges”
- Conference „Virtual University”, Warsaw (Poland), June 20–23, 2007; Panel: „Attitude formation in remote education systems”, Warsaw (Poland), June 20–23, 2007
- World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2007, Warsaw (Poland), May 9, 2007; Panel: „What next for the information society in Poland – positions of politics, science, culture and business”
- Conference „Polish Telecommunications and Harvard Business Review Poland Lectures”, Poznan (Poland), February 1, 2007; Panel: „What Really Works, or the Basics of Business Success. From new technologies to innovation building a lasting advantage of a company”
- Debate at the 3rd Scientific Conference „Knowledge and Innovation”, Cracow (Poland), January 2007
- The Ministry of Finance Conference: “Tax Administration – Modern, Effective and Friendly”, Warsaw (Poland), December 12–13, 2006; Panel „Modern Tax Administration”
- 16th Economic Forum, Krynica (Poland), September 6, 2006; Panel organized by the Polish Bank Association: “Building Modern Economy – A Role of Financial Institutions”
- The Ministry of Regional Development Conference „Improving the innovativeness of the Polish economy and supporting the development of innovativeness of enterprises and business environment institutions”, Warsaw (Poland), July 3, 2006, Panel moderator
- Debate at the National Conference “Improving Polish Economy Innovation”, Warsaw (Poland), July 2006
- Debate at the conference “Methodological Basis for PhD Thesis in Economic Sciences”, Poznan (Poland), May 2006
- Debate at the IDC Central Europe Conference “Information Technology Solutions for Public Administration towards e-Europe”, Warsaw (Poland), February 22, 2006
- Debate at the Teleinfo Experts Forum, Warsaw (Poland), February 2006
- Debate at the e-Thematic Seminar: Realize Value by e-Fulfilment, Poznan (Poland), February 2006
- The 2006 Symposium on Applications & the Internet, SAINT-2006, Phoenix, Arizona (USA), January 23-27, 2006; Panel „Future of Internet Applications”
- The Ministerial Conference – Towards a Knowledge Society: the Nordic Experience, Goeteborg (Sweden), November 14–15, 2005; Moderator of the panel: „eGovernment for Efficient Public Services”
- Debate at the 15th Economic Forum, Krynica (Poland), September 2005
- Debate at the conference „SAP for Europe: Liberalization of the EU Internal Market: Opportunity or Necessity”, Warsaw (Poland), June 2005
- The 25th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems ICDCS’2005, Columbus (Ohio, USA), June 7–9, 2005; Panel: “Distributed Computer Systems – Past 25 Years, Next 25 Years”
- Debate at the conference “Culture in the Strategy of Wielkopolska Region Development for Years 2007–2020”, Pila (Poland), May 2005
- Debate at the conference „Development of the Wielkopolska Region in light of the assumptions of the draft National Development Plan for 2007–2013”, Poznań, March 2005
- The Symposium on the Applications and the Internet SAINT’2005, Trento (Italy), January 31 – February 4, 2005, Panel: „Future of Internet Applications”
- Debate at the 9th National Conference of the Foundation for Polish Science “Science spaces”, Wasowo/Poznan (Poland), October 15–16, 2004
- The 6th Forum of the Future Poland://Germany@2015 organized by the Konrad Adenauer Fundation, Warsaw (Poland), April 23–24, 2004; Moderator of the panel: „economy@2015”
- The Logistics Meeting 2004 organized by FM Logistics and SAP Polska, Jachranka/Warsaw (Poland), April 2004; Panel: „IT: does it count or not count?”
- Debate at the National Congress on Education, Warsaw (Poland), March 2004
- Telcordia’s Workshop on Business and Regulatory Drivers for Investment in the Global Telecoms Industry, Williamsburg, Virginia (USA), November 18–19, 2003; Panel: “Telecom Business Considerations”
- The 13th Economic Forum: “The Enlargement of the European Union – the first or the last stage of integration?”, Krynica (Poland), September 4–6, 2003; Panel: „e-State – a pipe dream or a necessity. How to meet European challenges?”
- The 3rd Congress of Polish Information Processing Society, Poznan (Poland), June 2–4, 2003; Panel: „IT profession”
- Debate at the 18th National Exhibition COMPUTER EXPO 2003, Warsaw (Poland), January 2003
- Debate at the 2nd Congress on e-Economy, Warsaw (Poland), September 2002
- Debate at the World Telecommunication Day, Warsaw (Poland), May 2002
- Conference „Modern Economy and Public Administration”, Muszyna/Cracow (Poland), May 11–13, 2001; Moderator of the panel: „Telecommunications – Development, Regulation, Market”
- Debate at the National Conference “e-Business.pl”, Poznan (Poland), November 24–26, 2000; Panel: „Business models in the internet”
- Debate at the National Conference “Future Economy and Media”, Nowy Sacz (Poland), November 1999
- The International Workshop on Information Technologies for Electronic Commerce ITeC'1999, Florence (Italy), September 2, 1999, Panel: „Integration of Technologies for Electronic Commerce”
- Debate at the International Conference on European Multimedia, Microprocessor Systems and Electronic Commerce EMMSEC'1997, Florence (Italy), November 1997
- Debate at the European Conference on Information Technology, ECIT’1996, Brussels (Belgium), November 1996
- Debate at the 8th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE'1996, Lake Tahoe, Nevada (USA), June 1996
- Debate at the 3rd International Logistics Conference LOGISTICS’1996, Warsaw (Poland), May 1996
- Debate at the 7th ACM Conference on Hypertext HYPERTEXT’1996, Washington D.C. (USA), March 1996
- Debate at the 14th IEEE Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Bad Neuenahr (Germany), September 1995
- Debate at the seminar “Insertion, Interdependence and Competition of the Polish Economy”, Evry (France), March 1994
- Debate at the conference “Information Technologies for Science”, Cracow (Poland), December 1993
- Debate at the International Conference SAFECOMP’1993, Poznan (Poland), October 1993
- Debate at the International Workshop on Collaborative Research and Technological Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Warsaw (Poland), May 1993