Mikołaj Maik

More Information:

Mikołaj MaikMikołaj Maik, M.A.

email: maik[at]kti.ue.poznan.pl

room: 1.5 CEUE

ORCID iD iconORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9128-9617

MIKOŁAJ MAIK received bachelor's degree in 2019 in Informatics and Econometrics at the Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy of the Poznań University of Economics and Business, and in 2021 interdisciplinary Master's degree on Applications of Internet of Things conducted by the Institute of Informatics and Quantitative Economics at the Poznań University of Economics and Business and the Faculty of Physics at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Master's thesis title: "Methods of interaction with the virtual environment in training simulations". In 2021, he started working as assistant at the Department of Information Technology.

Research Projects

  • Flexible system for enhancing the competencies of technical services employees using virtual reality techniques, project number: 51101-21-62, awarding institution: NCBR, 2019 – 2022.
  • COMET (Creation and exploration of multimedia environments and content for training staff in Industry 4.0 with virtualand augmented reality and domain knowledge representation). Project financed by the National Center for Research and Development - LEADER Program - 12th edition of the
  • Development of the "VR Electrician" system (VRE) intended for conducting practical classes for students at the Vocational and Continuing Education Center "Electrician" in Nowa Sól. The system will be used to carry out simulated training in the field of live work (LW) on medium and low voltage infrastructure.
  • Development of an interactive product visualization system for Amica S.A. in VR and AR environments, project number: 51101-7-63, awarding institution: Amica S.A. 2019 – 2019.


  • Supervisor of the Student Science Club SKN GameDev. Teaching students the basics of using the Unity graphics engine, creating 3D models using Blender software, and creating applications for VR and AR environments.
  • Organizing and conducting "Virtual Worlds" workshops as part of the Researchers' Night.
  • Conducting workshops at the virtual reality lab as part of the Poznań Festival of Science and Art.
  • Classes taught: Multimedia Application Design, Multimedia Systems, Computer Programming 1, Computer Programming 2, Databases, Information Technology.

Research interests:

  • The use of virtual and augmented reality technologies in business
  • Multimedia systems
  • Game development
  • Internet of things

Awards and distinctions:

  • 01.2019 - Scholarship of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements
  • 06.2018 - I place in the VR Hackathon for the best project in the category "Interactive 3D visualization of the building of the Poznań University"
  • 05.2018 – II place in the „My Digital Footprint” Hackathon for the project "The 21st-century recruitment system"