
April 29 - 30, 2014

Prof. Krzysztof Walczak and Wojciech Wiza, PhD, attended a working meeting of the partners of the European project "Ed2.0 Work - European network for the integration of Web2.0 in education and work (KA3 network)", which took place in Antwerp (Belgium). The meeting was hosted by one of the partners, The Autonomous Municipal Company for City Education in Antwerp.

April 29 - 30, 2014

Prof. Wojciech Cellary attended a second CHIST-ERA evaluation panel which took place on April 29 - 30, 2014 in Paris at the Agence Nationale de Recherche premises. Prof. Cellary served as an independent expert evaluating proposals submitted to the Call 2013.

April 28, 2014

Prof. Wojciech Cellary participated in an inauguration session of the Honorary Committee of the Broad Agreement for the Development of Digital Skills which took place in Warsaw in the Presidential Palace. The Agreement was concluded on July 3, 2013. It was signed in the presence of representatives of the European Commission, Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland and the Ministry of Administration and Digitalization. President Bronisław Komorowski agreed to be an honorary patron of the Agreement. The session of the Honorary Committee was conducted by a former minister of administration and digitalization Michał Boni and Leader of Digitalization in Poland, Włodzimierz Marciński.

April 7 - 9, 2014

Jakub Flotyński and Dariusz Rumiński participated in an international conference The 5th Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems DoCEIS'14 – “Technological Innovation for Collective Awareness Systems”, which took place in Lisbon (Portugal) from April 7 to April 9, 2014. Jakub Flotyński presented a paper entitled “Multi-platform Semantic Representation of Interactive 3D Content” (authors: Flotyński, J., and K. Walczak). Dariusz Rumiński presented a paper entitled “CARL - A Language for Building Contextual Augmented Reality Environments” (authors: Rumiński, D., and K. Walczak).

March 20 - 22, 2014

Prof. Wojciech Cellary attended a Congress of Academic Culture "The Idea of University: Reactivation", organized by Jagiellonian University in Kraków from March 20 to March 22, 2014, under the honorary patronage of the Polish minister of science and higher education. Prof. Cellary gave an introducing lecture "University in the World without order" during a panel discussion "University vs. new media and technologies".

February 27, 2014

Prof. Wojciech Cellary received a Medal for Merit to the Poznan University of Economics conferred by Chapter of the Medal to persons and organizations for distinguished contributions to PUE activities and development. The Medal was given by the Rector during a gala ending VI Poznań University of Economics Days.

February 20 - 21, 2014

Prof. Wojciech Cellary attended a CHIST-ERA evaluation panel which took place on February 20 and 21, 2014 in Paris at Agence Nationale de Recherche premises. Prof. Cellary served as an independent expert evaluating proposals submitted to the Call 2013.

February 7, 2014

Prof. Krzysztof Walczak has been invited to join a ministerial expert group for the development of IT infrastructure for research, an advisory body to the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

February 5 - 6, 2014

Prof. Krzysztof Walczak participated in an international conference VISIONAIR Open Forum 2014, which took place in Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center. Prof. Krzysztof Walczak represented both the Poznań University of Economics and EuroVR Association.

February 4, 2014

Prof. Wojciech Cellary visited an international electronic fair Integrated Systems Europe ISE 2014, the world’s best-attended tradeshow for the professional AV and electronic systems industry, which took place in Amsterdam, February 4 - 6, 2014. Prof. Cellary served as an expert for Samsung Electronics Polska team.