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Book Chapter, Picard, W., and W. Cellary, Generic Hierarchical Classification Using the Single-Link Clustering , in: Knowledge-based Information Retrieval and Filtering from the Web, ed. Abramowicz, W. , Kluwer Academic Publishers, 12/2003, pp. 185-217, ISBN 1-4020-7523-5. Abstract  Pobierz: PDF (283.45 KB)
Conference Paper, Picard, W., NeSSy: Enabling Mass E-Negotiations of Complex Contracts , 4th International Workshop on Negotiations in Electronic Markets - Beyond Price Discovery associated to the DEXA Conference, Prague (Czech Republic), IEEE Computer Society, 09/2003, pp. 829-833, DOI 10.1109/DEXA.2003.1232124. Abstract  Pobierz: PDF (1.57 MB)