Multimodal presentation of 3D relief sculptures in virtual reality

TytułMultimodal presentation of 3D relief sculptures in virtual reality
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsSobociński, P., M. Maik, and K. Walczak
Conference InfoCW 2022: 2022 International Conference on Cyberworlds
Słowa kluczowecultural her- itage, haptics, tactile feedback, virtual museums, Virtual Reality, VR gloves

The paper describes an experiment aiming to de- termine how vibrotactile feedback implemented with the use of inexpensive VR gloves affects users’ perception of relief sculptures in a virtual museum environment. We developed a virtual museum system, which allows users to experience 3D models of bas-reliefs created by an artist based on well-known paintings of Pablo Picasso. In the experiment, we compared the perception of the art in a purely visual form and a combined visual-tactile form. We also checked to what extent users could identify a piece of art based purely on the tactile feedback and whether they could properly verify the match between the visual and the tactile modalities. We also recorded users’ opinions and impressions of the different artworks presentation methods.

Conference Venue and Date

Kanazawa, Japan, September 27-29, 2022